Our weekly Wednesday walks are short, gentle walks. They are social and friendly and we go at the right pace for the group.
If you want to start increasing your exercise, recovering from illness, or simply want a bit of company in the fresh air, these walks might be just right.
Our walks are every week on a Wednesday at 10.30. The start point varies each week, from either Argyle Street, Treetop Café (formerly Pavilion Café) Royal Victoria Park or the Bus station. If you would like to go along to try a walk, get in touch if you have any queries, or download the programme here – Wednesday Short Walks Bath 2025 Jan to June
The walk is no longer than an hour, and reasonably flat.
If you’d like more information, drop an email to info@bathscape.co.uk or a call Lucy on 07816 641 745.
We look forward to seeing you soon.