A walk along the footpaths east of Bath up to the ancient commons of Bannerdown and Solsbury Hill, passing through the picturesque villages of Bathford and Batheaston. Bring refreshments and a packed lunch.
Difficulty: MODERATE
Duration: 4 HOURS
Distance: 7 MILES
Start point: BATHEASTON CAR PARK BA1 7NB OS REF. ST 780 676 what3words intelligible.tent.scuba
Leaders: John Hayes and Steve Holbrow.
No booking required.
Please note for all Wardens’ walks:
Unless otherwise indicated, all walks by the Voluntary Wardens are free of charge however donations are very much appreciated and are usually collected at the end of the walk.
Please always remember to wear appropriate footwear because some walks may be steep and muddy in places. Assistance dogs (only) are welcome on walks. Warden Leaders will take all reasonable care and precautions but each walker is ultimately responsible for their own safety, and for determining their capability to complete the chosen walk.
It is advisable to check the website or call the Cotswolds Conservation Board (07841 663607) beforehand for details of any changes, particularly during bad weather.